
Studio M Stone Design

Brand identity, Fine Art Graphic Design, Logo

Studio M Stone Design

Studio M Stone Design
Identity studio M okkk
Studio M logo OK
Studio M pack okkkk

White and black to convey the essence of this art.
Coordinated communication affirms an identity and renders it recognisable immediately upon first glance. For this artist it can be nothing but essential, just like his work.

– Logo, Business card and letterhead, Bloc notes, Brochure, Packaging, Postal tube, Labels, Certificate of authenticity –

Carta intestata matteo
scultura bianca
Pack studio M chiuso
Brochure StudioM 1920x960
studio M brochure e busta ala
studio M pack dettaglio
bloc notes 960x960 1
studio M certificato
certificato matteo e tubo

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