
Micheloni Riso

Brand identity, Logo, Packaging

Micheloni Riso

Micheloni Riso
Packaging and label rice 960x960
Micheloni logo

 The element which defines rice and its cultivation is water.
For this reason I choose water as graphic leitmotif for the new packaging of Micheloni Vialone Nano and Carnaroli rice. The watercolor illustrations express the history of rice and the flooded fields, as they once were. 

– Logo, Packaging, Brochure, Business card and letterhead, Labels, Stickers, Shopper.-

Corporate Identity Micheloni Rice
Rice field Micheoloni
Brochure Micheloni rice
Slider Identity MicheloniA
Packaging_Label Rice 960x960
Rice ear Michleoni
RIce Michleoni plate
Letterhead envelope business card Rice

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